We had the best time working on our summer bucket list this year. We accomplished almost all of it, but a new season requires a new list! Fall is my favorite season. Here is just some of what we hope to do:

1. Jump in a pile of leaves
2. Get lost in a corn maze -Completed-
3. Play in a corn pit -Completed-
4. Go pumpkin picking
5. Go apple picking
6. Paint with apples
7. Make a yummy treat with apples
8. Paint a pumpkin
9. Make a leaf sun catcher
10. Decorate the bedroom window, fall style
11. Drink cider
12. Make pumpkin pancakes, muffins, cookies, bread.... everything.
13. Go on a hayride
14. Have a bonfire
15. Carve a pumpkin
16. Play with the pumpkin guts
17. Decorate our door
18. Eat Frankenstein pudding
19. Go trick-or-treating
20. Make foot print ghosts
21. Make glowing cloud dough monsters
22. Play with a fall themed sensory bin
23. Make a gratitude tree
24. Donate some food to a food bank
25. Celebrate Logan's 4th birthday
26. Celebrate the husband's birthday
27. Make leaf rubbings
28. Visit a new museum
29. Go on a vacation
30. Make monster slime
31. Decorate the house for the holidays
32. Make apple prints
33. Take a nature walk
34. Take a road trip
Do you have any special plans for the fall or a bucket list? I can't wait to get started on mine!